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What Is Paediatric Occupational Therapy?

Let's Talk Occupational Therapy.

Occupational Therapy is an Allied Health Profession that works across a range of different settings. From children to the elderly, from acute care in hospitals to the community and even the workplaces. Occupational therapists (OTs) assist people in identifying what is meaningful to them and then supporting them in living as independently as possible using this motivation.

Intervention can target all body systems and may be in the form of increasing strength, stability, coordination, organising, learning, sensory integration, equipment prescription, home modifications, work place or school assessment, fatigue management and community access just to name a few. 

KiddOTherapy OTs are passionate about creating a positive future for young children and their families.


Raising children is hard work, and as parents we know you want the best for your child. When your child is faced with a obstacle in life, we know the stress and pain also affects the family.

Our goal is to help you and your child find a way to overcome that obstacle and if we can't find a way over it.... we will help you smash around it and find a new way! 

Occupational Therapists (OT) help people identify what is meaningful to them and with this motivation, support them to live as independently as possible. 

KiddOTherapy Therapist's

Choice & Control - Value & Worth - Meaningful & Purposeful

 A child’s occupation is to Play, Learn, and Socialise.

KiddOTherapy OTs are passionate about creating a positive future for your child. We strongly believe in inclusion and will advocate for those who are without. All KiddOTherapy OTs hold a Bachelor Degree or higher and are registered with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). KiddOTherapy implements evidence base practice interventions and provide opportunities for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of staff.

Paediatric occupational therapist blacktown near me
play learn & socialise
Paediatric occupational therapist blacktown
Family Centred

Inclusion - Belonging - Growth

KiddOTherapy uses a Family Cantered based approach. We aim to create a partnership that supports decision making and goal setting.


Whether your child and family have long term or short term goals, we will support your child and family throughout your journey!

Play as an Occupation

Playing – Learning - Socialising

KiddOTherapy uses evidence to guide treatment plans and intervention. Evidence shows that Children learn through play. KiddOTherapy uses play based therapy to motivate and encourage children as they practice and learn new skills.

KiddOTherapist use play to target fine & gross motor skills, activate sensory systems, practise social skills, teach body awareness and to self regulate.

Engaging in meaningful activities is the best way to grow skills and increase possibilities.

Paediatric occupational therapist blacktown near me
play as an occupation
Environment of kids needing occupational therapy

Home - Preschool -School

KiddOTherapy can support ways to create a more inviting and safe environment by prescribing supportive equipment, or adjust the sensory surrounds.


Together we will explore and discover the optimum balance in your child’s environment to enable and increase participation in activities.


Physical - Sensory

KiddOTherapy supports development of gross motor, fine motor, sensory processing, regulation, cognition, and social skills within your child.


Supporting multiple components will increase participation, engagement and function throughout childhood, teen and adult life

sensory sessions for paediatric occupational therapy
physical & Sensory engagement
paediatric occupational therapy Blacktown - outcomes
OT Outcomes, Change & Results

Independence, Participation, Engagement & Empowerment 

KiddOTherapy's main purpose is to help reach your goals. We strive for outcomes that support inclusion and increase independence.


We  aim to help children develop skills to play, learn and interact socially, increase their own emotional well being and empower individuals! 

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